
Does this tie make my napkin look fat?

We’re organizing a retirement party for my father-in-law, and I’m working on the decorations.

The theme is “no more ties!” because, holy cow, this man hates wearing a tie. With a passion.

In that spirit, I present to you a terrible snapshot of my prototype napkin ring.

The colours in the photo are a bit off, but you get the idea. I have three different fabrics: this peacock-feather pattern, a blue argyle, and a green plaid (I think).

Next up: how to turn his ugly old ties into bouquets of flowers for the centerpiece. Or a runner for the buffet table. Or something decorative.

2 thoughts on “Does this tie make my napkin look fat?

  1. Love it!
    There are a million things you can do with the ties. Tie up balloons, make camera straps, apron straps, etc.

    Good luck!

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