Spain · Travelogue

Day 1484: More from Mr. December

ed. note: I’ll catch you up on my curtain capers tomorrow. Here’s the man you all came to hear from.

Seville, Day 3: Escape!

Today started well (it also ended well, and the middle was also pretty good). I finally got a good night’s sleep, maybe because I’m much less jet lagged. The window to the courtyard uses a fire shutter to keep the light out. Blackout shades are really important to me, so I’m looking forward to S fixing ours before I return. She really hates those blinds. 

Anyways, early start to be out by 10:35 and the cathedral by 10:45 to get in by 11:00 sharp (our previous tickets are good for one more day). I was struck by how disorganized everything was – don’t they do this every day? In any event, the inside was exceptionally impressive, with an intense amount of detail on every massive wall. Our guide yesterday explained that in those days most people couldn’t read, so pictures were how biblical stories were caught. R wanted to know why the Virgin Mary was frequently shown standing on some baby heads. Turns out they are no ordinary baby heads. These are angels in the form of baby heads, and they are taking her to heaven on the baby head express. So it is okay.

Next we hopped in a cab to make it to our escape room, which was Harry Houdini themed. With four kids and two adults, and a ton of hints, we did manage to escape in time. What was neat about the room is that it is all done by one person who clearly loves their work and knew the puzzles inside out. R made a friend her own age, and with her mother, we took a lovely stroll down the river Guadalquivir, stopping occasionally at a bench or park, and buying some fruit at a market. Life is much easier when you have no constraints it seems. But eventually our time was up, and we needed to go to our next destination: a churro shop with the rest of the group.

Afterwards we bought some more fruit, including one thing I have no idea what it is, and walked back to our apartment for a rest. Later we’ll go out to dinner – most restaurants don’t seem to open until late at night anyways.

Tomorrow: Roman ruins!

One thought on “Day 1484: More from Mr. December

  1. i can see from one person’s view my vote for curtains was clearly the ’right’ priority! And how wonderful to hear about a really great day. Getting over thee worst of jet lag helps a great deal and feeling some freedom from a schedule set by another entity is also helpful. Finding friends and connecting makes a huge difference. Sounds like things coming together terrifically.

    Happy days! (Hope the home front day was equally great!)

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