whine and cheese

Day 1490: Where’s the Benefit?

I slept nine hours last night. I should feel rested and great—but I don’t. I fell asleep in the hammock chair right after breakfast. Then E woke me up to help her with something and while she was describing it, I fell back asleep. So where exactly is the benefit of having slept nine hours?

Do I need more sleep? Less sleep? Or is the problem unrelated to sleep?

One thought on “Day 1490: Where’s the Benefit?

  1. …. any other issues? That is a LOT of sleeping if you really are healthy. Mildly concerned …. but maybe you had a huge sleep deficit from the holidays, and bat/bar stuff, and the dancing with small students, AND…. ALL the rest of what you have been doing. You were completely burning the candle at both ends and two places in the middle.

    Please be good to you.

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