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Day 1046: This isn’t rocket science.

You’d think we’d be great at packing by now, but apparently not (given how many questions I get.) I’m hoping this Q&A post will help my family do their ONE job better.

Q: Will you help me pack?
A: That depends what you mean by “help.” If you mean, will I pack all your stuff for you, that’s gonna be a hard NO. I have other things to do, like submitting our Singapore entry cards for approval.

Q: I’m so overwhelmed! How do I even start?
A: Most experts agree that the best way to get started is to PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE (or Kobo.) Then you might consider picking up all the clothes in your room and separating them into dirty and clean piles.

Q: I think these clothes smell funny. Will you wash them for me?
A: No. I offered to wash everyone’s clothes once yesterday and once today. If you missed it, you missed it.

Q: Where’s my ________?
A: Beats me, but research has shown that your best chance of finding it would be if you picked up everything else that’s yours and put it away in some kind of container. Sort of like… packing.

Q: Did you see the crazy TikTok I sent you about the flooding in Auckland?
A: I glanced at it. Rest assured, I’ve confirmed that tomorrow’s tour of the Special Effects company’s workshops is still on. Our plans are unchanged.

Q: Can we just watch one music video on YouTube before I start packing?
A: Okay, fine.

Q: Can we watch another?
A: Sure, why not?

Q: Another?
A: I guess so. But I think you’re abusing the Q&A format.

Q: One more video?
A: Nope. You need to pack.

Q: Can’t I just do it tomorrow morning?
A: Hard no. That plan never ends well. Do it now.

Q: Wait, where are you going?
A: I’m going to sit in a recliner and watch Derry Girls. I’m done packing.

One thought on “Day 1046: This isn’t rocket science.

  1. SO FUNNY……. and hideously accurate.
    Proud of you and hope Derry Girls was not interrupted… often. (Know there had to have been SOME because life….)

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